All men are liable to error; and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, under temptation to it.
John Locke, An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, p.223. 英國小說家、哲學家約翰洛克,《論人性的理解》,頁223。
《論人性的理解》於1689出版,約翰洛克以開創性的角度探討人類知識的起源,為近代哲學打下根基,並影響心理學(psychology)、文學(literature)、政治理論(political theory)、和其他人類思想表達等領域(human thought and expression)。
The sooner you treat him as a man, the sooner he will begin to be one.
越早把你的兒子當成男人,他就越早成為男人。 William John Locke, The Educational Writings of John Locke, p.79.