2014年10月29日 星期三

The Secret Pain of Pastors 作為牧師那不被人知的秘密

The Secret Pain of Pastors 
Peter Drucker, the late leadership guru, said that the four hardest jobs in America (and not necessarily in order, he added) are: 
●The President of the United States 
●A university president 
●A CEO of a hospital and 
A pastor
Is that true? Pastors love God and love people. They get to pray for people, lead people to a faith in Jesus Christ, and teach the Word about God. That’s the dream job. You can read the Bible all day, pray, play a little golf and preach. I want to do that!

Here is the secret. Being a pastor is hard work. It’s not for wimps. 
This is the reality—the job of a pastor can be 24/7 and carry unique challenges.

Some pastors wear themselves out trying to help people. Some wound their families because they are so involved in ministry. Others flourish in their ministry and personal life.

Approximately 85 percent of churches in America have less than 200 people. Sixty percent of churches are under 100 people. The average size congregation in the U.S. is 89 people, according to The Barna Group. Staffs are small, and needs are great. In many situations, the pastor needs to be a Bible teacher, accountant, strategist, visionary, computer tech, counselor, public speaker, worship director, prayer warrior, mentor, leadership trainer and fundraiser.
Who can be all of that?
  • Ninety percent of pastors said the ministry was completely different than what they 
    thought it would be like before they entered the ministry. 
  • Seventy percent say they have a lower self-image now than when they first started.
Personally, I love being a pastor. I have a great staff. We have great people in our church. I am content whether going through good times or difficult seasons. Of course, it’s a lot easier to be "content" when things are good. I have great friends who are pastors. My marriage is strong. I am a better man because of my time in ministry.
Some of the unique problems that pastors face are:

1. Criticism 

Pastors can be criticized by a lot of people for a multitude of things.
 “Music is too loud. Worship is not long enough. It’s too long.”
“Sermon is not deep enough. It’s too long.” 
“Pastor thinks he’s too important. It took me three weeks to get an appointment.”
“You talk too much about money.”
“Can I talk to you for a minute, Pastor?” This simple question can cause a pastor to think: “Oy vey. Now what?”
We pastors need to find a way to not take criticism so personally and learn from truths that could be hidden in the criticism.

2. Rejection

Members leave, leaders leave and pastors’ friends leave. The reality is—people leave.
The smaller the church, the more obvious it is when people leave. Some leave for reasonable decisions; many leave ‘ungracefully.’ They leave the big churches, too—by the thousands.
People leave T.D. Jakes’ church, and they leave Andy Stanley’s church.
When our church had about 150 people and some would leave, it was so disappointing. I tried to console myself by thinking, “They may be leaving by the dozens here at Oasis, but thousands have left Jack Hayford’s church, and he’s a great pastor.” … That only helped for a minute.
“I’m leaving.”
“We want something deeper.”  
“My needs aren’t getting met.”
These comments can feel like a personal rejection.
Every pastor has heard, “I’m not getting fed here.” Bill Hybels has heard it. Wayne Cordero, Dino Rizzo, Ed Young, Craig Groeschel, Steven Furtick and Matthew Barnett have heard it.
Really? Not getting fed? In those churches? How is that possible?
One of the most difficult conditions to achieve is to have a “tough skin and a soft heart.” Love people, hold them lightly and don’t take it personally. 
“Uhhh, OK. Lord, help us.”

3. Betrayal

Trusting church members with personal burdens can backfire. They may end up telling the pastor's personal issues to others. Staff leaders can take church members away. The pastor trusts a person with the platform or title, and that person uses the influence given to them to take people away. The Judas kiss.
Church staff causing problems is a betrayal. Pastors rightfully think, “I’m paying you to solve problems. I can get new problems for free. I don’t need to pay someone a salary to create them.” 
  • Forty  percent report a conflict with a church member at least once a month
  • Eighty five percent of pastors said their greatest problem is they are tired of dealing with problem people, such as disgruntled elders, deacons, worship leaders, worship teams, board members and associate pastors. 
  • The #1 reason pastors leave the ministry is that church people are not willing to go the same direction and goal of the pastor. Pastors believe God wants them to go in one direction, but the people are not willing to follow or change. 
  • Forty percent of pastors say they have considered leaving their pastorates in the last three months.
We pastors have to find a way, with God’s grace, to love people as if we have never been hurt before.

4. Loneliness

Who’s my friend? Who can I trust? If I tell another pastor my problems, will he criticize me, tell others or just treat me differently?
  • Seventy percent do not have someone they consider a close friend.
Are my friends really my friends or a church member who is a temporary friend who may leave any day now?
Healthy friendships are crucial to a fulfilling life, especially to the wellbeing of a pastor. Put special effort in this area.

5. Weariness 

Fifty percent of the ministers starting out will not last fiveyears
Seventy percent felt God called them to pastoral ministry before their ministry began, but after three years of ministry, only 50 percent still felt called. 
Keeping personally refreshed is an art and a science … and extremely important.
When fatigue comes in, you not only look half-empty, but also dirty, contaminated and undrinkable.

6. Frustrations & Disappointments

Disappointments come in many ways.
Because of smaller congregations, the average compensation package for pastors is between $35,000 and $40,000. There are many things pastors in this salary range are not able to do for their family that other people around them can do.
There are many areas of ministry in which judging "success" is difficult. Pastors can be hard on themselves. We work in an area that good work and good effort does not always guarantee success.
Many pastors work hard but are missing some kind of "X-factor." They are good people, sincere believers, love God, know the Word, have great content in their sermons, but somehow it’s not clicking. It’s frustrating.
It’s like a worship leader who loves Jesus and has a great singing voice but somehow cannot lead people in an effective worship experience.
Some days, leaders feel like they can’t seem to do anything right. The ministry finally gets momentum, and then a leader in the church falls. Things are going well, and then a couple of your biggest givers leave.
The church needs money, but the pastor doesn’t want to put too much focus on money. It’s not about the money—but it becomes about the money.
All of this can be overwhelming. 
  • 4,000 new churches begin each year and 7,000 churches close. 
  • Over 1,700 pastors left the ministry every month last year. 
  • Over 3,500 people a day left the church last year. 
  • Fifty percent of pastors feel so discouraged that they would leave the ministry if
    they could, but have no other way of making a living. 
  • 45.5  percent of pastors say that they've experienced depression or burnout to the extent that they needed to take a leave of absence from ministry. 
This is not the case for all pastors. In fact, many that I know have managed to handle these issues well. 

How Christians and church members can help:  

Pray for your pastor.

Pray for guidance, protection, healthy friends, their marriage and family. Pray for inspiration, anointing, the leadership team, unity and clarity. 

Protect your pastor.

As best as you can, don’t allow or participate in gossip and criticism. How can you serve and problem solve to prevent overload? 

Encourage your pastor.

Thank him or her for his or her work and ministry. Thank them for their sacrifice. Tell them a specific time in which you or someone you know experienced a life change in their church. Honor them to others. Let your pastors know you are praying for them. According to the Barna report—the profession of “pastor” is near the bottom of a survey of the most-respected professions, just above “car salesman.”

To Pastors.

Don’t give up, pastor! Persistence is powerful.
Keep on. Really! Your work, your labor of love and your sacrifice matters.
I realize the last thing a pastor needs is another sermon. But these verses have helped me. Hold on to God’s Word with your life.
So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. Hebrews 10:35-36 NLT
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Gal. 6:9 NLT
Be careful of the comparison trap.
Looking at other ministries can be inspiring. Comparing yourself to other churches can be destructive and discouraging.
Make new pastor friends. Expose yourself to new influences, new leaders, churches or ministries that are doing some things differently.
Discover to some fresh views and ideas. Sometimes, it just takes one or two new ideas that can change momentum around.
Pastors that are struggling or are no longer in ministry may have unresolved hurts. I encourage you to find healing. Seek counseling; find a local Celebrate Recovery group; equip yourself with resources on healing (some examples are Safe People orBoundaries) and share your secrets with safe people. Remember, you're only as sick as your secrets.
*The Fuller Institute, George Barna and Pastoral Care Inc. provide the statistics I have used in this post.


已過世的管理學大師彼得杜拉克(Peter Drucker),曾經提到四個他認為美國最艱難的職業是(不照順序排列):
1. 美國總統
2. 大學校長
3. 醫院的總執行長(CEO)
4. 牧師
在美國85%的教會,會眾人數不到200人。60%的教會,會眾人數不到100人,根據伯那集團The Barna Group(一個基督教事工顧問公司)的資料調查,美國教會的平均人數是89人。同工的人數很少,但是會眾的需要卻相當多。通常,一位牧師必須同時扮演下列角色:聖經教師、會計師、戰略策劃者,懷有異象的人,計算器工程技術員,心理輔導員,公眾演講者,崇拜指導,祈禱勇士,人生導師,領袖訓練者和募捐活動策劃人。


* 90%的牧師說,他們現在的工作與他們開始投入到事奉時所預期的截然不同。
* 70%說,他們的自我形象比剛開始事奉時降低了很多很多。



有會眾從TD傑克斯(TD Jakes)的教會退出,也有人從安迪斯丹利(Andy Stanley)的教堂離開。(他們都是有名的牧師)
當我們的教會發展到大約150人時,有一些會員選擇離開–––這實在是令我灰心喪氣。我會極力用這樣的想法來安慰自己:“這裡可能只有十幾個人離去,但在傑克•海福德(Jack Hayford)的教會卻會有成千的會眾已經離開了。而海福德牧師是一為著名的牧師。” 可是這種想法僅能帶來一分鐘的安慰。


這些話聽起來好象是對(牧師)個人的否定和拒絕。 每位牧師都聽過類似的話,“我在這裡得不到屬靈的餵養。”比爾.海貝爾思(Bill Hybels)曾經聽到過。韋恩•科爾德羅(Wayne Cordero),迪諾.瑞佐(Dino Rizzo),埃德.楊(Ed Young),克雷格.格勒舍爾(Craig Groeschel),史蒂芬.佛提克(Steven Furtick)和馬修•巴尼特(Matthew Barnett)都聽到過這樣的話。(他們都是當今美國非常著名的牧者)


(對於牧師而言),諸多難以實現的目標之一,就是要兼具 “不畏挫折的外表和柔軟的內心”。一方面要愛每一位會友,一方面又要避免過於在乎來自他們的批評指責。 “……哦,好吧。求主來幫助我們。”



• 40%的牧者表示,與教會其他的成員每月至少有一次衝突。

• 85%的牧師說,他們最大的問題是,他們已經疲於面對製造問題的“問題人物”,如:心懷不滿的長老,執事,詩班崇拜領袖,詩班成員,董事會成員,或是助理副牧師。


• 40%的牧師承認,在過去三個月裡,他們曾經考慮過放棄他們的事奉工作。



• 70%(的牧師)沒有一個他們認為是親密的朋友。



5. 疲憊

• 50%的傳道人,事奉不會超過5年。

• 70%的牧師在他們的事工開始之前感覺到神對他的呼召和使命,但三年後,只有50%仍然還能感到神的呼召。


當陷入疲勞狀態時 - 信念可以瓦解。疲憊的情緒可以改變我們對於周遭一切的認知。缺乏適時的休息,不但會使我們對於一杯半滿的水 - 不僅看成半空的,而且會覺得它骯髒,污染和無法飲用。

6. 挫折與失望 - 失望會以各種方式襲來。

因為在較小的教會,牧師的平均年薪是在$ 35,000 - $ 40,000之間。所以在這種工資水準的牧師們,有很多東西是無法為他們的家人提供的,但是他們身邊的人卻是可以的。





教會需要錢,但牧師也不希望把太多重點放在錢這方面,這並不是錢的問題 - 但這樣的做法,確反而讓它成為錢的問題。


• 每年有4000間新教會建立,同時也有將近7000間教會關閉。
• 去年每個月有1700多位的牧師放棄了他們的事奉。
• 去年每天超過3500人離開教堂。
• 50%的牧師感到氣餒,如果他們可以的話,他們想要離開事奉的工作,但確有沒有其他謀生方式。
• 45.5%的牧師說,他們已經有憂鬱症或職業倦怠的情形,他們需要請假或是暫時性的休息。



• 為你的牧師禱告
為神的導引、保護、健全的友情、為他們的婚姻和家庭禱告。 祈求聖靈的感動、恩膏,降臨到全會眾。也為事工的領導團隊禱告,使他們團結並保持清新。

• 保護你的牧師
你可以盡你所能的不去參與無謂的閒話和批評論斷。 想想你要怎麼去減輕你的牧師的負擔?

• 鼓勵你的牧師
告訴他們在某個特定的時間,你或你認識的人,在你的教會裡經歷了人生的改變。 向別人讚賞你的牧師。讓你的牧師知道你在為他禱告。

據巴爾納集團的調查 - “牧師”這個職業,是在眾多最受人尊敬的職業之中,幾乎是敬陪末坐的,只比“汽車銷售員”好一點點。


堅持不懈具有偉大力量。 繼續下去。真的!你的付出、你的愛心、你的勞苦和犧牲總是值得的。


“所以,你們不可丟棄坦然無懼的心,這樣的心是帶有大賞賜的。 你們還需要忍耐,好使你們行完了 神的旨意,就可以領受所應許的。”希伯來書10:35-36






牧師們 - 我愛你們!用您的名字,在這裡發表你的心聲,我會為你祈禱。

